October Field Crop Updates

— Written By
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Continue Scouting for Armyworms!

Hope everyone is doing well. I believe we are all enjoying this nice/cooler weather we are having.

It is important to note that we have had more fall armyworm pressure this year than previous years it seems. With that being said, fall armyworms continue to be a problem in the area and scouting should continue until the weather pattern stays on the cooler side. If you have a cover crop or are starting to plant small grains, keep an eye out for them as they can do a lot of damage and defoliation to these small plants.

Fall armyworm on leaves.

Dicamba Herbicide Update

As most of you are aware, dicamba labels were vacated last year for over-the-top applications on cotton and soybeans. As of right now the EPA has not renewed those labels for 2025 and it is very unlikely to have these options for over-the-top use on cotton and soybeans for the next growing season. This is information that I received from Dr. Charlie Cahoon, corn and cotton weed specialist for N.C. Cooperative Extension, on a Zoom yesterday. Dicamba products will still be available to use for burndown but they will be the older labeled products (not XtendiMax, Engenia, and Tavium).

With that being said, right now there will not be any auxin herbicide trainings held because it will not be required unless the labels are renewed. If this occurs I will put out an auxin training schedule.

Commodity Fumigation Exam Requirements

If you weren’t able to make it to the commodity fumigation exam hosted here in Cleveland county then there are still opportunities to take it through a regularly scheduled exam. You can sign up using this link: NCDA&CS Licensing and Certification

This page will show all of the upcoming pesticide exams that are scheduled. Note that there is an exam in Cleveland County on Tuesday, October 22nd at 1:00 p.m.

New Commodity Fumigation Requirements

Please contact me if you have any questions!

Hope everything is going well on your operation. Look forward to seeing you soon!

-Heather Schronce